Friday, January 14, 2011

Writing Honestly and Personally

On occasion I have the opportunity of interviewing writers. One of the questions I usually ask them is how would they describe their writing style. I was thinking about this question in regards to myself while I was driving home from work yesterday and I had a hard time answering it. After awhile, I just started listing words:


There are probably others but this list sums up my writing style fairly accurately.

One thing I've always noticed is when people compliment me on my writing, they always tell me how honest and personal it is, how brave I am to be writing about subjects that are so personal to me. I've always found this quite an odd thing to say. I mean, I understand what they are talking about. I am very honest and personal in my writing, but this doesn't seem like something that is an option to me. I write about things that are personal because I find those are the only things worth writing about. If I'm not being honest in my writing and if I'm not writing about something that is personal to me, then what the hell am I doing?

Love you.
Mean it.

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