"As Heard in the Newsroom."
You may not have known this, but the staff of the UVU Review are freaking hilarious. I have written down some of my favorite quotes I've heard said in the Newsroom, as well as a few said outside of those hallowed walls. They are in alphabetical order cause that's how they've been saved on my phone. So enjoy and happy last day of spring break!
-Andrea Lindgren
Sudoku is more hipster than Vampire Weekend.
-Bryan Gomm
It’s like God’s phone is on vibrate.
-Dave Newlin
-Dave Newlin
No! I reject your hug!
-Dave Newlin
Guys, that was way funnier than you gave me credit for.
-Dave Newlin
That is beautifully wrong, sir.
-Dave Newlin
I’m a disc golf freaking guru.
-Dave Newlin
Is he going to answer every question as a wolverine?
-Dave Newlin & Jarom Moore, about an interview with Willie the Wolverine mascot.
The Hooters girl called me baby...
-Gilbie Cisneros
I need a new job. Those sex offenders are rubbing off on me.
-Gilbie Cisneros
Can I openly say I snore really loud?
And can I openly say shit?
-Gilbie Cisneros & Jake Buntjer
I need to semi-date more.
-Jarom Moore
If my primary function was to reproduce, I’d be okay with that.
-Jarom Moore
I’ve earned the right to make fun of nerd through decades and decades of playing Dungeons & Dragons.
Wait, decades?
How old are you, Jarom?
-Jarom Moore, Nadia Ashtawy, & Kelly Cannon
I am the hydra of disdain.
-John-Ross Boyce
It's like eating bad meatloaf while watching a NCIS marathon.
-John-Ross Boyce
We could always use a sex scandal.
-John-Ross Boyce
Alcohol, guns, and murder. It’s the unholy trinity of The V.
-John-Ross Boyce
A thriller is a horror film with its balls cut off.
-John-Ross Boyce
Alright! Dinner with Obama! He’s the cool president.
-John-Ross Boyce
I haven’t hackey-sacked since Weezer put out a good album.
-John-Ross Boyce
For legitimate journalism!
-John-Ross Boyce
I have been saying awesome shit tonight.
-John-Ross Boyce
If I don’t drink & smoke like normal, then the terrorists win.
-John-Ross Boyce
That’s about as good as you can get for a mentally retarded rapper.
-John-Ross Boyce
There needs to be guidelines for robot bodies.
-John-Ross Boyce
What the hell? That isn’t doggy-style either!
-John-Ross Boyce
Newlin! My back hurts. Let’s smoke it off!
-John-Ross Boyce
I’d like to date a Nazi, just for the story.
-John-Ross Boyce
Who’s damn kid is making that noise?
That’s my damn kid.
-John-Ross Boyce & Andrea Lindgren
Since I do not own a uterus...
Wait, you can own a uterus?
-John-Ross Boyce & Celeste Rosenlof
Did your heart just grow three sizes?
Something else just grew three sizes as well.
-John-Ross Boyce & Jarom Moore
Have some balls or ovaries, if you will.
Or a little of both.
-John-Ross Boyce & Jarom Moore
Coming up next, Jack Nicholson & Jeff Bridges in Space Mountain.
I’d see it. You’ve sold me.
-John-Ross Boyce & Jarom Moore
Who at Fuddruckers would I know?
Who at Fuddruckers wouldn’t you know?
-John-Ross Boyce & Natalie Psuik
I don’t want you walking on my back with your big Chewbacca feet.
They’re not hairy. They’re just big.
-John-Ross Boyce & Dave Newlin
We’re starting a Newsroom bowling team!
No, we are not!
We’re starting an unsanctioned Newsroom bowling team!
-John-Ross Boyce & Dave Newlin
This next song is by a guy named Prince. I don’t know if you guys have heard of him...
What’s he the prince of?
He’s the prince of your fucking face, Rob Steffen!
-John-Ross Boyce & Rob Steffen
Don’t be a half-assed racist.
-Kelly Cannon
That sounds like a great conversation starter--”So I’ve been seeing a lot of Arabs lately...”
-Kelly Cannon
J.R. does not negotiate with terrorists.
-Kelly Cannon
Has anyone every told you that you remind them of Frank from 30 Rock?
Jesus told you? I didn’t know you were so celestially connected.
-Kelly Cannon & John-Ross Boyce
Are you sure they didn’t take a break?
No, these guys were pros.
-Kelly Cannon & John-Ross Boyce about a couple making-out in public for over an hour.
But we all know it in our hearts.
And in our breasts.
-Kelly Cannon & Sterling Gray
So it’s a controlled substance? Well, of course it is. Newsflash! I’m a reporter.
-Lex Bourgeous
I’ve read two books on Pablo Escobar. I have a little shrine of him.
-Lex Bourgeous
I decided to quit [smoking] when I went to the gas station to buy a new pack & I didn’t have my wallet so I figured, “Okay, I’m done.”
-Lex Bourgeous
I’m trying to quit [smoking].
Yep, going on 14-hours now.
-Lex Bourgeous & Jarom Moore
We’re doing a story on students with ADD...
Oooo! Just follow me around all day.
-Celeste & Dave Newlin
Dave wants us to push Oklahoma in the next issue. And by push, I mean promote the shit out of it.
-Mindy Haward
Starbusrts are like crack for you.
-Mindy Haward to Andrea Lindgren
They seem like really nice guys with drug problems.
-Nadia Ashtawy
You were probably just bisexual for a half-hour.
-Natalie Psuik
The new astrology signs gave me cancer...
-Rob Steffen
“Is sex an option?” That’s my best pick-up line.
-Rob Steffen
It works for them, homophobic bigots.
-Robbin Anthony
Don’t give me that ADD bullshit.
-Robbin Anthony
Is your eternal salvation in jeopardy because of us?
No, I don’t think so...
-Robbin Anthony & Jarom Moore
Ghihad! I mean, Yee-Haw!
-Sterling Gray
Is that another restriction? Because I have breasts, I’m also dumb? You sexist.
-Sterling Gray, on robot bodies.
Unknown Newsroom Person 1: Where does the BYU newspaper get their budget from?
Unknown Newsroom Person 2: Mormons.
Love you.
Mean it.
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