If I were the type of person who went out and made friends or just chatted with people as we sat at the bar and sipped beer, I'd brag about my job. They'd ask me what I did for a living and I'd tell them I was a reporter. If I was two beers in, I'd tell them I write. When they asked me what I write, I'd say, "Words, mostly."
I can't think of a better way to make a living. I write words and people give me money. It's brilliant. It's so perfect for me, I'm not sure how I got so lucky.
(of course, Chris would say that luck has nothing to do with it. In his zen Buddhist way, he'd say "You didn't come as far as you have from luck. In talent and passion and will, we are not all created equal.")
(Though I think my idea of luck comes from a combination of Chris's idea and Harvey Dent's "You make your own luck." In that sense, I've worked my ass off to be as lucky as I am.)
In any case, I'm one lucky girl to be paid to write words.
But there is one draw back.
I write words. Lots of words. SO MANY WORDS.
By the time I get home, the last thing I want to do is write more words. As such, my other forms of writer have suffered as a result. I don't post on here nearly as often as I used to. The last poem I wrote was back in July. And my journal keeping has become non-existant.
I write words for money. I no longer write them for the beauty of their existence.
I usually don't mind this too much. It's more like a dull ache inside of me that could one day resemble regret.
But on nights like tonight when I check in on some of my favorite artists/writers (See: Andy & Bodily), I feel like I'm not creating enough art, enough beauty. (Not to mention, both of those gentlemen are so bloody talented, I don't know whether to hug them or punch them in the neck.)
I guess that's a drawback to making words your living.
Love you.
Mean it.
Hey Kelly! I nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award, check out my blog kadeandmiki.blogspot.com, for the info and see if you're interested in doing it! Thanks!