Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Your Secret Is Safe With Me

"They say you die twice. One time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time." 

You would never tell anyone your full name. No matter how much people begged, you always kept your middle name a secret. You told me that once somebody knows your full name, then they own a part of you that you can never get back. I thought that was complete bullshit. And I semi-knew you thought so as well. You just didn't want to admit you had "trust issues." Keeping your middle name a secret was a way to keep people out. If they didn't know your middle name, they really couldn't know you. It was the last line of defense.

I admit now, I thought you were an idiot. It was probably the only time I did but I felt justified. I was not given a middle name and it was something I've always ached for. I was denied something that helps identify who I am. You were given this extra name and you kept it a secret from the world.

When the time came for you and I to go our separate ways, me back home for the summer and you off to boot camp, you gave me a letter. You made me promise three times that I wouldn't read it until I got back home. I kept my promise (which was something you taught me) and waited until I was back in my room in Provo to read it. It was about four pages filled with your "seizure-esque" handwriting. I had also promised to never tell anyone what was in that letter, another promise I have kept. And while what your wrote has got me through a lot the past three years, nothing mattered more to me than the very end.

Under the word "Sincerely" you wrote your name, your full name. I know what you meant by doing that. It was something neither of us could say using words. A secret finally revealed to someone who understood the significance of it.

To this day, I have never told anyone your middle name. The way I figure it, it's not mine to tell.

So don't worry, love.
Your secret is safe with me.

Love you.
Mean it. 

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