Yeah, I didn't think so.
His full name is Sean Thomas Kendall. We call each other Numero Uno because at the time we became really close, I already had a "best friend." We needed another term to title our friendship. Sean suggested Numero Unos out of the blue and it just stuck. Even after that "best friend" turned out to be a no-good lousy bastard, we still referred to each other as Numero Uno.
Sean taught me what it means to be fiercely loyal. He's been there for me when it felt like no one was. He's always there whenever I need help or a pep talk or just someone to listen to me. He was there when my life changed forever. He was the first person I called when everything fell apart. He came over as soon as he could. He helped me pack up everything I owned and tried to stay positive the entire time. He's one of the very, very few people I talk to every day, either through phone calls or texts. I know that if I were ever in trouble or I needed his help, he'd be there for me.
In return, my loyalty lies with him. I've been by his side, fighting whatever/whoever tries to hurt him. I've been there for him when stupid girls start causing drama or just make his life harder. There was this one time where I literally threw a girl out of his house because she was starting to cause problems. It was the closest I've ever come to punching someone. In retrospect, I really should have. After I physically removed her from Sean's house, I told her that if she ever hurt Sean in any way, I would bring her the rapture. That's a true statement and it applies to anyone and everyone.
I've had people ask me if I've ever considered dating Sean. I've thought about it but I don't think it would work. We have a really good thing in our friendship. We need each other to be our friend and nothing more. And while I do not deny that Sean is attractive, he's just not my type. He's a great friend but I could never consider him a boyfriend.
Sean knows me better than pretty much anyone else. The best example of this was from a conversation we had in Wal Mart:
Kelly: I fell in love today.
Sean: Really?
Kelly: Yep. His name is James.
Sean: Oh, cool. What book is he in?
We do have some moments where we jokingly ask each other why we're friends. I've lost track of how many times he's called me ridiculous or how many times I've called him annoying. It's such a randomly matched friendship. But it works. And I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Love you.
Mean it.
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