Friday, May 27, 2011

The Intrigue of Intelligence

If there's one thing I know to be true about myself it's that I am intelligent. I've always been clever, have always grasped concepts quickly & easily. I often find myself being the smartest person in a class or in a group of people. This has become pretty standard for my life. I don't mean this to be prideful. I don't consider it pride if it's the truth. And it is true. 

However, every now and then I encounter someone whose intelligence is far beyond my own & leaves me in awe & intrigued. One such person is this guy from my Postmodern Hollywood class named Chris. The class discussions mostly consist of just he and I commenting on either the film in question or on each other's comments. The other members of the class contribute a thought every now and then but for the most part, the conversation is dominated by Chris & me.

Again, I know I'm smart, but this Chris guy is way ahead of me. He knows philosophy & theory like other people know sports stats or TV trivia. He can spout off different philosophical theories and their applications to cinema with such skill that is almost like poetry. His comments are fluid in their ease, as if it is almost second nature to him. It has me mesmerized, mostly because I know that is something I could never do. I have dabbled in philosophy & theory (I was planning on minoring in philosophy before I discovered cinema studies) but I can never recall the different theories with such precision and accuracy, infused with numerous details. I can do that about movies, such as actors, directors, similar films, etc. but never "hard stuff" like philosophy.

This all leads me to find Chris insanely intriguing. I've always been attracted to intelligence but his is a kind far above my own. This makes it even worse. Add to the fact his left arm is covered in tattoos, and I'm done for. 

Love you.
Mean it. 

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