Sunday, October 10, 2010

Requirements for a Proper College Experience

  1. Live in a crappy apartment/house.
  2. Stay up all night but not to do homework.
  3. B.S. a paper.
  4. Work a job you hate.
  5. Attend opening night midnight movie.
  6. Have an impromptu road trip.
  7. Have an epic spring break.
  8. Go on a terrible blind date.
  9. Attend a play put on by the theater department.
  10. Attend a college sporting event that is neither football nor basketball.
  11. Attend a concert of a local or not well known band.
  12. Be forced to get creative when it comes to what you eat and/or how you eat it.
  13. Attend functions put on by the school just to get free food.
  14. Do a study abroad if possible. 
  15. Attend a church service that is not your faith.
  16. Take a philosophy class.
  17. Join a club and be an active member.
  18. Do something just because you can.
  19. Have a horrible roommate.
  20. Cram for an exam you have no hope of passing. 
  21. Play night games on campus. 
  22. Meet someone under the most random of circumstances and become best friends.
  23. Go to Wal Mart at 3 a.m. just because there is nothing else to do.
  24. Attend a poetry reading.
  25. Go to a student art gallery.
  26. Become an activist for a cause you support.
  27. Use public transportation at least once.
  28. Wear your least favorite clothes because it's laundry day.
  29. Make use of the local laundry mat.
  30. Have 4 a.m. breakfast at Denny's.
  31. Go camping with your friends.
  32. Become good friends with a professor.
  33. Have your heart broken.
  34. Have your first walk of shame.
If any of you think of others, let me know.

Love you.
Mean it. 

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