-James Broughton
I think Mr. Broughton here is right. As I've stated before, I've dedicated my life to the pursuit of truth and sometimes that includes the truth about myself. I know I am not perfect but I also know I've got some good things going for me. So without further ado, here are some good and bad qualities about myself:
(Okay, here's a little more ado. I've been debating on how best to present these qualities. I could list all of the good & then all the bad (or vise-versa) but I didn't like having all of the bad clumped together (too depressing) or all the good clumped together (too conceited). So it shall be presented thusly: A quality that is preceded by a POS- is positive. A quality preceded by NEG- is (obviously) negative. If it is preceded by UNK- it means I'm still deciding if it's a good or bad quality. I'm going to try to switch between POS & NEG every other one. Okay, Ado is officially over)
POS-I'm intelligent & have a quick mind.
NEG-I am no good a forgiveness.
POS-I have an incredibly soft spot in my heart for dogs, babies, and children.
NEG-I hate teenagers.
POS-I'm extremely passionate.
NEG-I give much too much weight to first impressions.
POS-I'm stubborn as hell.
NEG-I'm stubborn as hell.
UNK-I am a morning person.
POS-I don't believe in lying.
NEG-I put my foot in my mouth on a daily basis.
POS-I try to be open-minded as much as possible.
NEG-I talk too much.
UNK-The most productive part of my day (if I wake up for it) is between 5 a.m. & 9 a.m.
POS-I love adventure & trying new things.
NEG-I am easily bored & irritated.
POS-Nine times out of ten, I am incredibly reliable.
NEG-One time out of ten, I will flake out on you.
POS-I believe in keeping my promises.
NEG-I talk too loudly.
POS-I am fiercely loyal to my friends.
NEG-I generally hate girls & have probably less than ten close girlfriends.
POS-When it comes to my future career, I care more about helping people than about money.
NEG-I will probably be poor my whole life.
POS-I have a really dorky side & apologize to no one for it.
NEG-Once a person has lost my trust, it's nearly impossible to get back.
POS-I will drop anything and everything if a friend needs my help.
NEG-If I don't want to do something, there are few things on God's green Earth that can make me do it.
POS-I'm prideful.
NEG-I'm prideful.
POS-I have a habit of remembering random details of an event or a person.
NEG-I am a harsh judge of character, even more so if it's a girl.
POS-I am inspired to create change for the better & help people.
NEG-I have no pokerface.
POS-I am hilarious.
NEG-I am sarcastic.
POS-I am sarcastic.
That's all for now, I suppose. Let me know if I've missed any.
Love you.
Mean it.
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