I have a style? Really? I normally just kind of throw clothes without much thought as to contributing to an overall style. Maybe that's why I'm still single...
Anyway, I'm a jeans & t-shirt kind of girl. My t-shirts rarely have a logo of any kind on them, unless you count the Batman symbol as a logo. I do have some shirts that aren't of the t-shirt variety, like the one I have on right now, a blue flannel-esque button up shirt. As for shoes, Converse and TOMS are part of my daily uniform.
I can class it up a bit, if necessary. It's like those Dos Equis commercials. "I don't wear heels very often, but when I do, I rock the hell out of them." (okay, it's only kind of like the Dos Equis commercials. And no, I'm not claiming to be the most interesting woman in the world. I'd need to own a pet monkey or something before that could happen) I do own heels and skirts but I only wear them when I have a reason to, like a presentation or something. I'm not about to trek all over campus and community in heels just for the hell of it. I'm just too accustom to being comfortable.
I guess that's the perfect way to describe my style. I'll take comfort over pretty much anything else. I don't do cute or sexy if it means I'm going to be in pain all day. It just doesn't matter that much to me. Maybe it should...
Love you.
Mean it.
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