I've had this strange feeling for nearly a year now. It's been in the back of my mind and I've been unable to shake it. I'm going to explore it here because that's what I do.
I feel like we, all of us, the entire nation & world at large, are on the cusp of something huge, some giant change caused & driven by the people tired of jaded complaints & hungry for solutions. Like I said, I've felt this for nearly a year. Something big is happening right now, underneath everything. We only see small hints of it every now and then but change is coming.
I read about things in the news, both on a national & global level, of people rising up, taking charge, letting their voices be heard, letting the world know that the way we have been doing things isn't working any more. They're shouting, crying out for change, for a new system of thinking and doing things. There are signs all over the place of civil unrest. There were the British student protests over a raise in tuition, the Rally to Restore Sanity to show the nation that extremism is not the answer & we need to work together, the ongoing protests in Egypt right now, President Obama's State of the Union address. Things are changing. People want change. And with everything in me, I want to be apart of that change.
I see videos of protestors, of people giving speeches, letting their voices be heard, providing solutions, taking a stand against discrimination & hate & the lack of common sense, letting the world know that they are "mad as hell and [they're] not going to take it anymore!" Every time I watch a video or read an article, I feel this driving force within me. I want to create change for the better. I am not content with sitting on the sidelines and watching this huge movement go on without me. I feel so passionate about being a part of this giant change that I know if I don't contribute to it, I'll have lived my life in vain.
Things are changing. And I am going to help make them change.
Love you.
Mean it.
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